办公室 Research Integrity & 教育

The University of Denver expects a high level of commitment to intellectual honesty 和 ethical st和ards in all research 和 scholarly endeavors. The 办公室 Research Integrity 和 教育 supports DU's goals of creating knowledge 和 solving global challenges by providing resources to guide scholars through ethical issues 和 prevent instances of unethical research activities or scholarly misconduct. The Office consists of several specialized committees that engage with the ethical implications of key research areas at the University of Denver.

Areas of Focus

Human Subjects

Learn about the Institutional 审查 Board (IRB) that focuses on research initiatives that involve human subjects.


Animal Welfare

The Institutional Animal Care 和 Use Committee (IACUC) reviews all projects that involve animal subjects.


rDNA & 生物安全

The Institutional 生物安全 Committee (IBC) supports protocols related to research on recombinant DNA 和 biological hazards.


Conflict of Interest

The 办公室fers support 和 guidance to prevent or resolve conflicts of interest in research activities at DU.


Research Compliance & 教育 Program

ORIE offers resources 和 training to help DU scholars 和 researchers underst和 the University's ethical st和ards 和 practices around misconduct.



Human Subjects Research (IRB)

Animal Welfare (IACUC)

rDNA & 生物安全 (IBC)

Anonymous Compliance/Ethics Reporting Hotline